Serving: 4-5 people

Preparation Time: 35-40 minutes


2 cups of cut tofu (approximately 1.5 by 2 inches)

4 tablespoons of plain flour (You can also use gluten free flour)

4 tablespoons of corn flour

1 cup of cut green bell pepper

1 cup of cut red bell pepper

1/2 cup cut celery with the leafs

2 tablespoons of ginger paste

3 tablespoons of green chilli sauce

2 tablespoon soya sauce

1 tablespoon vinegar

1.5 teaspoon brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

2 teaspoon salt

5 tablespoon tomato paste

1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds

1 table spoon oil for gravy

Oil for frying


First cut the tofu, bell peppers, and celery. The tofu and bell peppers should be the same size, around 1.5 by 2 inches. The celery should be cut in very small pieces.

Heat the oil for frying. While the oil is heating up, make the paste for the tofu.

To make the tofu, thoroughly mix the plain flour with 3 tablespoons of corn flour and 1 teaspoon salt in 1/3 cups of water. Make sure that no lumps are present.

Dip the pieces of tofu in the flour mixture, and fry the tofu in the oil one by one. Cook it in the medium flame for 3-4 minutes. Make sure not to put too many tofu pieces at onetime, otherwise they may stick together. When you see the tofu turning light brown, that means it is done. Take out all the tofu pieces. Next, we will make the gravy.

To prepare the gravy, pour 1 tablespoon of oil in a sauce pan. Heat the oil, add the ginger paste and roast for a minute in medium heat.

Add the cut bell peppers (red and green), tomato paste, chilli sauce, soya sauce, vinegar, black pepper, and 1 table spoon of salt. At the very end, add the celery and then cook for 2 minutes. Do not cook the veggies fully, otherwise it may loose its crunchiness.

Mix 1 tablespoon cornflour in 1/4 cup water and pour in the saucepan.

Lastly, add 1 cup of water and mix it thoroughly. Cook for 2-5 minutes.

Thoroughly mix the tofu with the gravy and then garnish with roasted sesame seeds if you desire! It is now ready to serve.


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